Alle Beiträge von ceo

„Noise Reduction“ – Escape from Reality or Dream Ressource?

With our 2nd film, we worked together with Kai, a 15 years aged young man who loves to listen to music, for example to hard step techno.  By doing this, he could easily escape reality, he said to us.

When reality isn’t dreamy, you could still dream yourself away

Kai was excited about possibilities  that film and story telling offers. About new realities that are created by the teller. Because in a film, you can claim anything to be true – even a rapping baker or person that is involved in a car accident. At this point, Noise Reduction turns from suppressing real atmosphere sound into enabling a parallel phantasy world, accustically. There is always a space to dream yourself away. Phantasy and imagination have no borders, right?

So, what we needed was two very different worlds. We set up a world from which everyone would love to flee of, and showed on the other hand the possibility of another imaginated world existance – in our main character’s phantasy. Now, guess which one Kai chose?…

Noise Reduction – watch the film here

Wings to their stories – at Theaterherbst Greiz

At XXVIII. Theaterherbst Greiz, we worked once more with magic: the magic of story telling. This unbeatable fascinating ressource of one’s own phantasy. A power to change life.

Making a small town a cinema spot

For 3 weeks, we stayed in the eastern middle of Germany, in „Thüringen“. In a small town, placed in a so called „low structured area“, with beautiful people living there. Every year they have a theatre festival going on, showing creativity, team spirit and organizational talent.

We produced two cinema short movies within a 3 weeks production phase: „Noise Reduction“ & a 20mins musical called „The Tale Goes On“.

The stars of 2019’s Theaterherbst Greiz are 13 years old

The idea for it came from Samantha and Sina, two 13 years aged girls. They were so well prepared and helped us so much getting things organized, that we could actually deliver a 20min musical film in the end, with them singing and dancing as main characters.

What gives more wings to one’s personal development than such a creative work together – what do you think?

Photo Contest #IRREPLATTE

Schick uns Deine Photos, die Leere zeigen – und auf schöne Weise poetisch, besonders eigen, besonders akzentuiert sind, oder einfach mit Deinem persönlichen, künstlerischen Touch:

Am 03. & 04.November stellen wir sie aus beim Photo Contest #IRREPLATTE, in der Stadt Brandeburg a.d. Havel,

Sende Dein Bild (Du musst die Bildrechte daran haben, um es zeigen zu dürfen) an uns.



Poetry Injection – get the real impact

Dear Poet,

we are looking for You and Your texts [send them to:, in German], for the final show at #IRREPLATTE, on November 3rd and 4th 2017 – and I will switch to German now:

Suchst Du den wahren Impact, und magst mit Deiner Kunst Leute berühren? Ein bisschen ähnlich einem ‚Poetry Slam‘, ermöglicht Dir unser Format genau das:

Poetry Injection

Petry Injection ist neu. Es baut auf den Erfahrungen auf, die ich in vielen Jahren psychologischer Arbeit gesammelt habe. Und es ist besonders schön: Es bringt Deine Kunst genau dort hin, wo sie am besten aufgenommen werden kann.

Du liest Deinen Text, und berührst Deine Zuhörer noch einmal ganz anders als z.B. auf einer Poetry-Slam Veranstaltung (die natürlich auch cool ist, keine Frage). Der Ablauf ist vorgegeben, Du sagst Deinen Namen und liest los, trägst vor, oder singst… – dabei bist Du wie für Dich, wie hinter Glas, und doch wie auf einer Bühne; doch viel persönlicher für Jeden, der Dir zuhört.

Für das Finale von #IRREPLATTE brauchen wir nun Deinen Text zum Thema:

[poetry injection 1:]   „Aus der Leere schöpfen“

Hast Du Texte über die Leere – als kreativer Raum, als Ursprung für Neues, als Herausforderung oder Challenge, als schöner Moment?…

Dann schick ihn gleich zu uns (Deine Urheberrechte bleiben Alle bei Dir), eine Jury wählt die Texte aus, die live vor Publikum und Presse in der 1. Poetry Injection in Brandenburg a.d. Havel performt werden!

Ab geht die Post!

Schick uns Deinen Text am besten gleich – unsere Jury nimmt ab jetzt Texte an, bis das Programm für die Performance steht.

poetry injection

(poetry injection)

Young People of Brandenburg creatively fill up emptiness

Asking young people of Brandenburg a.d. Havel „what would you do, if you had just an empty room, no matter of anyone’s expectations?“, they immediately got creative. Shining eyes, a smile on their face – thinking of possibilities that brought them immediately into joyful action. We enjoyed ourselves being there, at city Brandenburg one more lovely, sunny afternoon, and getting in contact with such nice & authentic people.

people brandenburg

Thank you all for participating, and please be invited to our film workshop, starting

Oct 13 -15, in Brandenburg an der Havel, Friday at 16.30h!

We will work more creatively together, and YOU will get more to know about exciting peforming art possibilities. 🙂


Instant film workshop video clips :: Pedro builds a cinema monster cam

Our lovely instant film workshop video clips with Pedro show You, dear participants of #IRREPLATTE, what you will get: simply great knowledge how to film a potential blockbuster or magnificent influencer film clips with little money…! Take a look, its quite factful, but not toooo serious… 😉

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

instant film workshop video clips

IRREPLATTE | Soziokulturfonds & Aktion Mensch – Trailer

Our work at IRRE PLATTE has been well broadcasted, and it got quite good feedback, check out here:

Dance Trailer for call in

Our Trailer in advance, Dance #IRREplatte was made for spreading the word, letting (young) people of city „Brandenburg an der Havel“ come to our ground breaking art intervention – with films, theatre, installations, music and contemporary dance (mentored by choreographer Ana Djordjevic).

Besides – other perspectives

Kelvyn composed a song there for a young talented singer (Lucia Bernadas Cavallini) taking part at our workshops – that inspired others to make an inofficial trailer out of it, showing our work from another interesting perspective:


Kick off – September 22nd :: #IRREPLATTE

We will start our art intervention IRREPLATTE soon, on Sep 22nd in Brandenburg an der Havel – with a lovely vision work shop. All participants/young artists and all mentors: together we will work on ideas for theatre, films, music and…. (drum roll).. DANCE!

We shot a lovely film trailer with Ana Djordjevic and Ruben Reniers, showing first ideas and our place that is to be filled with art, dreams, music and visual concepts…

For participants: come on 22/23/24 Sept or get informed here:…

Sign in here:

You can find us as well on:

Let’s celebrate art together! 🙂

#deineirreleere #irreplatte #lostsensemedia #brandenburganderhavel



This year, we’re going to celebrate creativity in „Brandenburg an der Havel“, a lovely little city close to Germany’s capitol Berlin: „irre platte“ – together with the experts from „Deine irre Leere“ & Lehnschulzenhofbühne, our partner NGO „Dehnungsfuge“, and with lovely support of the German state’s Fonds Soziokultur.

Together with young talented artists (and we know: everyone has the potentials to be/come one), we are going to fill up an empty house in the industrial part of Brandenburg with films, music, theatre, dance, dreams and… – well, with art.

The poject’s called IRRE PLATTE  (#irreplatte), you can find us on Facebook, Instagram and follow our lovely set up Youtube Channel (please do!).

Looking forward to report more about our work soon…


Press article about our lovely Shakespeare work

It was this autumn, when we worked on Shakespeare, in cooperation with the Art Prospects Foundation and together with20 Polish & German film making artists. Now, the premiere took place in Warzawa, and a lovely press article in ‚Platea Magazine‘ is giving a honorable feedback to this film work.

„… The official closing of ‚Tender Metropolis Warsaw-Berlin‘ project is happening today with the premiere screening of two short films, ‚The Stone Soup‘ and ‚October‘ (A.K.A. “The Odyssey”), in Warsaw.

The films were shot by 20 Polish and German upcoming filmmakers based on the screenplays selected in a competition […]

The participants were working on the scripts, transforming them in accordance with their visions and ideas, and taking into account the feasibility of production. […]

Sharing‘ is the key word that describes this project: [… one] part from the filmmakers and project mentors Roman Przypilak and Agnieszka Gomułka, and the next part belongs to Boris Laaser, Sylvia Schwarz, Konrad Aksinowicz etc.“

As the press article says, next year, we might go for Budapest – so everybody there: get ready for another nice pieces of art. 🙂