theaterherbst greiz

Wings to their stories – at Theaterherbst Greiz

At XXVIII. Theaterherbst Greiz, we worked once more with magic: the magic of story telling. This unbeatable fascinating ressource of one’s own phantasy. A power to change life.

Making a small town a cinema spot

For 3 weeks, we stayed in the eastern middle of Germany, in „Thüringen“. In a small town, placed in a so called „low structured area“, with beautiful people living there. Every year they have a theatre festival going on, showing creativity, team spirit and organizational talent.

We produced two cinema short movies within a 3 weeks production phase: „Noise Reduction“ & a 20mins musical called „The Tale Goes On“.

The stars of 2019’s Theaterherbst Greiz are 13 years old

The idea for it came from Samantha and Sina, two 13 years aged girls. They were so well prepared and helped us so much getting things organized, that we could actually deliver a 20min musical film in the end, with them singing and dancing as main characters.

What gives more wings to one’s personal development than such a creative work together – what do you think?